
Wednesday, March 28, 2012

. Yay for Chocolate! .

Good news chocolate lovers!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

.Playdough Cookies.

Happy St. Patty's Day!
ok, ok. Happy BELATED St. Patrick's Day. Sorry this post is late:P
My daughter and I had a blast making some cookies for her classmates a couple of days ago.
The recipe is called "playdough cookies," not because its made of playdough but because you can easily manipulate it like clay! We made some rainbows and four-leaf clovers in honor of St.Patty's Day:)

the rainbow was the most tedious to make but the prettiest:)

lucky cookies:)

Its a very basic sugar cookie dough that isnt too sweet, which I like and if you decide to add decorations like royal icing or colored sugar crystals you won't end up in a fructose-induced coma.

I got the design idea and recipe from this site. You could use it for any occasion, the possibilities are endless! Hope you try it out soon. It's so fun to play with and eat too!

Sunday, February 12, 2012